All the scouts and children jump for joy Sponsors: * Umbrellas -AMT Placements and ---Wetback Contracts (Pty Ltd) * Scouts shirts -Jan Schubart * White i-Walk for Epilepsy awareness -AMT Placements -Stratum Benefits -Wetback Contracts (Pty) Ltd Photo Credit: Antonella Ragazzoni

Max started volunteering at the age of 9 at the REEA Epilepsy Care Center. Sponsors: *Purple Shirt -AMT Placements * White i-walk for Epilepsy Awareness -Stratum Benefits *Organiser badges -Tania van Heerden *Purple drinks -Kingsley Beverages Photo Credit: Antonella Ragazzoni

Northern Lights Violet Mercedes Benz AMG -Sandown Motors Sandton T-shirts sponsored collaboration by AMT Placement Services and Wetback Contracts

All the scouts and children jump for joy Sponsors: * Umbrellas -AMT Placements and ---Wetback Contracts (Pty Ltd) * Scouts shirts -Jan Schubart * White i-Walk for Epilepsy awareness -AMT Placements -Stratum Benefits -Wetback Contracts (Pty) Ltd Photo Credit: Antonella Ragazzoni
Our team arranged an awareness walk on the 26th of March 2017, International Purple Day.
Purple day is an international epilepsy awareness day, dedicated to educate people about epilepsy. International Purple Day occurs annually on the 26th March.
This campaign is the second of its kind in South Africa and over 400 people came out to support Epilepsy Awareness SA.
Our campaign will be featured on ENCA, Max and Linda will be interviewed. Date and time to be confirmed.
We had DJArchJnr a 4 year old DJ wow the crowd, along with the Assault Riderz who thoroughly entertained over 400 people. The children at Bathabeleng Children's home are still talking about the amazing event and how they got to take pictures with an amazing DJ that is only 4 years old.
What started off as a gloomy , overcast day, turned out to be an eventful day and we had quite an adventure.
All the excited children lined up outside Sandton City. Huddled up with their friends full of smiles and excitement for the epilepsy awareness walk, which was about to take place.
Walking down Rivonia road with intent, purpose and drive we walked singing, and clapping in unison.
People from all walks of life singing Shosholoza, Ole , Ole, Ole and the South African National anthem created quite an atmosphere,lead by Maximilian van Heerden and Linda Dias Menezes.
Our water point Mercedes Benz in Sandton was in sight. We stopped to catch a breath, children tied their shoelaces, and had refreshing bottled water sponsored by Faircity QuaterMain Hotel, and purple drinks sponsored by Kingsley Bevarages. Yummy treats, cooldrinks and entertaiment and other surprises were in store for all our International Purple Day Supporters.
As we walked down Rivonia Road to our water point yet another surprise. The Assault Riderz from THE Soweto Bikers joined us. With great exclamation and cheer from the crowd. These bikers wowed the crowd with their stunts and tricks.
The Assault Riderz and DJArchJnr amazed the crowd. DJArchJnr on music and the bikers performing all kinds of amazing stunts. What an incredible show, they really out did themselves. The children did not expect to see DJArchJnr, a 4 year old which many look up to.
After the performances the kiddies helped themselves to yummy treats from Kingsley Beverages International, SG Convenience, Progression, Amelia Dias and Gift of the Givers.
Thank you to everyone who had a hand in making the day extra special <3
This was the second walk EVER arranged in South Africa by Max, Linda and Tania to raise epilepsy awareness we can honestly say we have you to thank.
Thank you for all your support. This is a start to many more events and projects brought to you by Epilepsy Awareness SA and all our amazing sponsors